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Crying Eyes (6min)
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+ Crying Eyes +
A Video I made in 2016 as an exploration and visual representation of the phrase 'Crying Eyes', with a background of footage taken while driving at night, and a soundtrack of flute music slowed down.
+ W. O. R. +
With Out Right: A video I made in 2015 in which I attempt to create a dissonant, dream-like narrative by placing various characters I had created in my performances in the context of Los Angeles landscapes.

Dirty Sink
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+ Dirty Sink +
A video made in 2014 as part of a sculptural collaboration with Awena Masoud, for a Group Show entitled 'Dirty Sink'.

OUter Action Edit
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+ Outer Action +
A New Genres Project produced in 2014. This video is an exploration of surreal, yet somewhat coherent action and storyline, through the use of various characters, all played by myself.
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